Billing Procedure
Finance Policy for billing, collection, dis-connection and re-connection
Affiliation Terms
Affiliation terms are effective for one year. IRINN Affiliates are to renew their Affiliation every 12 months to keep the Affiliation account open.
All payments are due within 30 days of the affiliation expiry date, or upon receipt of the invoice. Failure to pay IRINN Affiliation fees will result in suspension of services and a withdrawal of all resources previously allocated.
It is important to keep your contact details up-to-date. It is the responsibility of an affiliate to inform IRINN of any changes to their contact details. Contact detail update is the responsibility of IRINN affiliates.

NIR Policy for billing, collection, dis-connection and re-connection
Renewal Reminder Process
- Annual Affiliation fee calculations are based on the total number of IP addresses held under the affiliate account on the anniversary of your IRINN affiliation.
- An Annual Affiliation renewal reminder is mailed to all IRINN Affiliates, 30 days before the Affiliation expiry date.
- Tax Invoice will be sent to all IRINN Affiliates on their Affiliation expiry/renewal date.
- Renewal Reminder will be sent by RT system/Email sender tool.
- All payments are due within 30 days of the Tax invoice date/renewal date.
- After the due/anniversary date, the billing team will inform IRINN/Technical team about payment defaulters and share the list as per aging on the 1st of every month.
- 7 days will be the grace period from the due date.
- After the grace period, the IRINN team will close the account of payment defaulters after approval from the competent authority and inform the same to the defaulter.
- After the grace period, affiliates need to pay a reactivation fee along with the annual affiliation charge to reactivate the account within 3 months from the anniversary date.
- IRINN will keep resources for 3 months from the anniversary date before surrendering them back to APNIC.
Renewal Reminder Stages
First Reminder (30 Days Before Anniversary Date)
An annual Affiliation renewal reminder is emailed to all Affiliates 30 days before the Affiliation expiry date. Annual Affiliation fee calculations are based on the total number of IP addresses held under your account on the anniversary of your IRINN Affiliation.
Tax Invoice Generation
Tax Invoice will be generated on the 1st day of the renewal/anniversary month and sent to affiliates by the RT ticketing system. The affiliate has 30 days to make the payment.
Second Reminder (15 Days After Anniversary Date)
Remind the Affiliate of the status of pending payment through an Email.
Third Reminder (7 Days Before Due Date)
Remind the Affiliate of the status of pending payment through an Email/phone. Suspend access to MyIRINN for defaulting affiliates.
Fourth Reminder (1 Day Before Due Date)
Remind the Affiliate of the status of pending payment through an Email/Phone. Affiliation will be closed permanently if no payment is received after 7 days of the grace period from the anniversary date.
Final Closure on Anniversary Date
- Closure Email will be sent to Affiliates who fail to pay the renewal after the grace period.
- All affiliation rights are revoked, including Internet resources.
- No further services will be provided by the IRINN team.
- Affiliation and rights to use Internet resources will be terminated and routes/ROA & rDNS will be removed.
- IRINN will not be responsible for any loss or damages due to interruption in announcements/advertisements during this period.
- This pending closure notice will be sent via email to the Member based on the contact details listed in the IRINN account.
- Reactivation of the account will require clearing all outstanding dues and payment of reactivation fees on top of that.
Account Reactivation
- Account reactivation is available for a limited period of three months after affiliation termination, after which all previously allocated and assigned resources are subject to re-delegation as per IRINN/APNIC policy.
- An Affiliate whose affiliation has been terminated for non-payment of outstanding dues may reactivate their IRINN affiliation and previously delegated resources will be reinstated after paying an "Affiliation Reactivation Fee" of Rs. 25,000/- plus applicable taxes in addition to the payment of the outstanding dues within this three-month window.
- Any affiliate failing to respond within 3 months from the final closure will have their account closed, and resources surrendered to APNIC.
- IRINN will also not be held responsible for any loss or damages in case of invalid email or unreachable email/phone at the time of account termination.
- To reactivate the closed account, the Corporate Contact must email [email protected] and provide the account name for reactivation and any up-to-date contact details.