Billing Procedure
affiliation terms are effective for one year. IRINN affiliates are to renew their affiliation every 12 months to keep the affiliation account open.
Renewal reminder
- An annual affiliation renewal reminder is emailed to all IRINN affiliates at around 30 days before the affiliation expiry date.
- Annual affiliation fee calculations are based on the total number of IP addresses held under your account on the anniversary of your IRINN affiliation.
Upon affiliation expiration
Renewal fee payment
Upon account expiration, the invoice for affiliation renewal, together with the
payment instruction letter, is emailed to affiliates.
The affiliation fee is based on the account's Internet resource holdings as of
the affiliation anniversary date
A hard copy of the invoice may also be obtained via MyIRINN under
Administration > Billing history or upon request.
Payment guide
When paying affiliation fees: Please include the invoice number and affiliation
account name in the payment details to avoid processing delays
To enable convenience and smooth transaction, payments to IRINN may be made to
IRINN via various modes:
- Cheque or Demand drafts drawn in favour of "National Internet Exchange of India"
- Online Payments through Credit or Debit Card
All payments are due within 30 days of the affiliation expiry
date, or upon receipt of the invoice. Failure to pay IRINN affiliation fees will
result in suspension of services and a withdrawal of all resources previously
In case of cheque getting bounced or dishonored, a charge of Rs. 250/- would be levied.
How do I return Internet resources?
Your annual affiliation renewal fee is directly related to the amount of
Internet number resources you hold on your affiliation anniversary date.
If you wish to return your resource holdings, please contact the IRINN Helpdesk
as soon as possible and provide details of the resources that need to be
Please note that the resources must be returned to IRINN before
your affiliation renewal date to be eligible for a revision of your renewal
Return of resources procedure
- Keep your contact details up-to-date
- To ensure your annual affiliation renewal invoice arrives at your billing department, it is important to keep your contact details up-to-date.
- It is the responsibility of the affiliate to inform IRINN of any changes to their billing address and contact details
- Late payment as a result of incorrect contact details is the responsibility of the affiliate.
- Please contact us to update your contact details. Alternatively, affiliates can log in to view and update their billing and contact details via MyIRINN
Once IRINN receives your renewal fee payment, your affiliate status will be changed to OPEN and your affiliation account will be renewed again the following year.
Late payment procedure
First Reminder 15 days | Second Reminder 30 days | Second Reminder 45 days | Closure 60 days |
Remind the affiliation of the status of pending invoice | affiliate contact is attempted by Phone / Fax | affiliate contact is attempted by Phone / Fax | Closure letter is dispatched |
Suspend access to MyIRINN |
Suspend access to MyIRINN No further services to be provided |
affiliation will be closed permanently if no payment is received within the next 15 days | All affiliation rights are revoked Internet resources allocated are recovered by IRINN (Internal records are also updated) |
affiliates can request new copy of Invoice | affiliation and rights to use Internet resources may be terminated | Reactivation of account will call for clearing of all outstanding dues and a payment of reactivation fees on top of that. |
Account Reactivation
A affiliate whose affiliation has been terminated for non-payment of outstanding
dues may be returned the affiliation, if the defaulting affiliate pays a
"affiliation reactivation fee" of Rs 1,00,00 plus applicable Taxes in addition to payment of the
outstanding dues. This option is available for a limited period of three months
after affiliation termination, after which time all previously allocated and
assigned resources are subject to reallocation.