IRINN Affiliation Guide
As an Affiliate, you can login to the IRINN website to manage your contents and your resources. The MyIRINN Area within the IRINN website is a secure and customizable section of the IRINN website, dedicated to Affiliation.
- MyIRINN will let you manage:
I. Reverse DNS delegations
II. Contact details
III. IP assignment registration to your customers and within your network infrastructure
As an Affiliate it is your responsibility to keep your contact and other
information updated.
Update registration
The IRINN Whois Database is an official record that contains information
regarding organizations that hold IP addresses and AS numbers in India.
Each organization that holds Internet resources is responsible for updating
its own information in the database. As the database is used to assist with
network troubleshooting and to help track network abuse, it is extremely
important to ensure the contact details are accurate and updated.
Public or private assignments
Each organization can choose whether or not to designate its assignment or
sub-allocate the registration to be 'public' or 'private'
Public assignment: Others can view a company's holdings on the IRINN or APNIC
Whois Database
Private assignment: Any database record directs a specific whois enquiry to
the holding organization, and the details are not available to the
Register Route Object
IRINN provides Routing Registration Services for all IRINN Affiliates. To use
this service an Affiliate will need to register a route object, which represents
routing information, including IP address ranges and AS numbers in a compact
form in the IRINNWhois Database.
According to the IRINN address space management policy, it is not mandatory
for an Affiliate to register a route object. However, from a network operation
point of view, you may be required to register a route object with IRINN.
Some ISPs and network operators use route object information in the Internet
Routing Registry database to:
- Debug routing problems
- Automatically configure backbone routers
- Perform network planning
It is IRINN's suggestion that an Affiliate must discuss the requirement of
registering route objects with its ISP.
Forward translation
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a globally distributed Internet service. It
is a hierarchical naming system where easy to remember names are translated
into the numbers required for devices to network across the Internet.
Reverse translation
If anyone owns a domain name and wants to find out the IP address that name
belongs to, one can query the numerical hierarchy that co-exists with the
name hierarchy: the reverse DNS.
Reverse DNS delegations allow requesters to map to a domain name from an IP
address. Reverse delegation is achieved by the use of pseudo-domain names in (IPv4) and (IPv6).
IRINN Services
These services are exclusive only to Affiliates of IRINN
Resource Registration Service
IRINN's main purpose is the allocation and registration services for IPv4
& IPv6 addresses, Autonomous System or AS numbers and related Whois
Database for IP address look-up and reverse DNS delegation.
Various policies are applicable at the time of application so that the
management of the allocation and assignment of IPv4/ IPv6 address space is
easy, the administration smooth and the allocation fair. Therefore the
allocation policies are based on the principles of neutrality, impartiality
and openness.
To ensure faster processing smaller sized ISPs should apply for IP address
through LIRs or agents of IRINN, however applications for larger quantity of
IP addresses (/24 and more) must be addressed to IRINN directly.
Evaluations for all resource applications are based on current and
provisionally-active policies.
IP address space is not reserved during the application process.
IPv4 & IPv6 Allocation
One of IRINN's role is the allocation or assignment of IP address space to
organizations. Address spaces are assigned to organizations for specific use
within their Internet infrastructure. These assignments are made for
specific, documented purposes only and the addresses can not be
re-distributed or sub-assigned by the organizations further.
Address space is considered allocated when an Internet registry or other
organization is given the right to use address space for subsequent
distribution as either a customer assignment or portable allocation. In both
cases, all IPv4 and IPv6 address space distribution must conform to the goals
of address space management.
IPv4 and IPv6 resources are allocated only to Affiliates, since IRINN is a
not-for-profit Affiliation type organization. Those organizations desirous
seeking allocation of IPv4 and IPv6 resources must apply for an
An Affiliation is payable on an annual basis for the same and it is computed on
the basis of the address resources required by the incumbent organization. In
case of renewal of Affiliation, the annual fees is calculated on the basis of
the resources held by the organization.
It must be noted that the fees for IPv4 and IPv6 components are calculated
separately, however the higher of the two amounts is chargeable as the annual
IPv4 Component
An Affiliate's total IPv4 address holdings, including that were transferred from
APNIC to IRINN and those of IRINN-allocated address space, will be used to
assess the IPv4 component of the annual Affiliation fee as follows:
Fee IPv4 = 25,000 x 1.35^(log2(number of addresses)-8)
IPv6 Component
The Affiliate's total IPv6 address holdings, including that were transferred
from APNIC to IRINN and those of IRINNallocated address space, will be used
to assess the Ipv6 component of the annual Affiliation fee as follows:
Fee IPv6 = 21,999*1.35^(log2(number of addresses)-22)
Autonomous System (AS) Number Assignments
IRINN shall deem an organization eligible for AS Number assignment if it
operates at multiple locations and has a clearly defined routing policy,
which is different from the routing policies of its service providers.
An organization shall also be considered eligible if it can demonstrate that
it will meet the above criteria upon receiving an AS number.
Policy Development
The policy development process for IRINN will be a democratic process and
policies will developed after reaching consensus among Affiliates.
Affiliates can file proposals to amend the existing policies or suggest
additions to existing policies through a formal process. Once a proposal is
filed, it will be discussed at meetings to seek the reactions and inputs from
other Affiliates.
Regional level amendments will be referred to APNIC for further
deliberations, while national level changes can be adopted and implemented by
Affiliation Structure
IRINN Affiliation
is open to all individuals and organizations.
organization that holds IPv4 and IPv6 resources shall be deemed
to be an affiliate provided it has continued to pay its annual
affiliation fees.
There shall be two categories of
IRINN Affiliates:
a) Affiliates – Individuals, Body Corporate,
Academic Institutions, incorporated or established in India,
under the Indian laws, as the case may be, shall become a direct
Affiliate of IRINN, provided such organizations do not operate
any business similar to a LIR.
b) LIR (ISP) Affiliates - A Local
Internet Registry (LIR) is an IR that primarily assigns address
space to the users of the network services that it provides. LIRs
are generally ISPs licensed by the Department of Technology
(DoT), Government of India and Data Centre Operations whose
customers are primarily end users and possibly other ISPs. Any
organization that holds IPv4 and IPv6 resources shall be deemed
to be an affiliate provided it has continued to pay its annual
affiliation fees.
Affiliation Fees
A new
affiliate shall be charged with Resource application fee of Rs.
25,000 (Twenty Five Thousand only/-) plus applicable Taxes.
Irrespective of whether the applicant avails the IP resources
immediately or later than the period of application, this
application fee will be charged for all new affiliates. The same
is not applicable for those affiliates who transfer from APNIC
and become a new affiliate of IRINN.
Affiliation Reactivation Fee
An Affiliate who has been terminated from the Affiliation for
non-payment of Affiliation fees may be returned to Affiliation by
paying a " Affiliation Reactivation fee" of Rs. 1, 00,000 plus applicable
Taxes in addition to payment of any outstanding unpaid fees. This option is available for a limited period of three months from the date of
Affiliation termination, after which time all previously allocated and assigned resources are subject to reallocation.
Affiliation terms are effective for one year. IRINN Affiliates must renew their
Affiliation every 12 months to keep the Affiliation account open.
Renewal reminder
An annual Affiliation renewal reminder is emailed to all Affiliates about 30 days
before the Affiliation expiry date.Annual Affiliation fee calculations are
based on the total number of IP addresses held under your account on the
anniversary of your IRINN Affiliation.
Your Affiliation Tier is also based on the amount of address space held
IRINN reviews Affiliation Tiers each year upon renewal and adjusts them if the
total address space allocation varies from the address limit for the current
Affiliation tier.
You may choose to join a higher Affiliation tier but may not attempt to select
a lower tier than the one determined by your address resource holdings.
Upon Affiliation expiration
Renewal fee payment
Upon account expiration, the invoice for Affiliation renewal, together with
the payment instruction letter, is emailed to Affiliates.
The Affiliation fee is based on the account's Internet resource holdings as of
the Affiliation anniversary date
A hard copy of the invoice may also be obtained via MyIRINN under
Administration > Billing history or upon request.
Payment Guide
When paying Affiliation fees:
Please include the invoice number and Affiliation account name in the payment
details to avoid processing delays
To enable convenience and smooth transaction, payments to IRINN may be made
to IRINN via various modes:
- Cheque or Demand drafts drawn in favour of 'INDIAN REGISTRY FOR INTERNET NAMES & NUMBERS'
- Online Payments through Credit or Debit Card
All payments are due within 30 days of the Affiliation expiry date, or
upon receipt of the invoice. Failure to pay IRINN Affiliation fees will
result in suspension of services and a withdrawal of all resources
previously allocated.
In case of cheque getting bounced or dishonored, a charge of Rs. 250/- would be levied.
How do I return Internet resources?
Your annual Affiliation renewal fee is directly related to the amount of
Internet number resources you hold on your Affiliation anniversary
If you wish to return your resource holdings, please contact the IRINN
Helpdesk as soon as possible and provide details of the resources that need
to be returned.
Please note that the resources must be returned to IRINN before your
Affiliation renewal date to be eligible for a revision of your renewal
Return of resources procedure
- Keep your contact details up-to-date
- To ensure your annual Affiliation renewal invoice arrives at your billing department, it is important to keep your Affiliate contact details up-to-date.
- It is the responsibility of the Affiliate to inform IRINN of any changes to their billing address and contact details
- Late payment as a result of incorrect contact details is the responsibility of the Affiliate.
- Please contact us to update your contact details. Alternatively, Affiliates can log in to view and update their billing and contact details via MyIRINN
Once IRINN receives your renewal fee payment, your Affiliate status will be changed to OPEN and your Affiliation account will be renewed again the following year.
First Reminder15 days | Second Reminder30 days | Third Reminder45 days | Closure60 days |
Remind the Affiliate of the status of pending invoice | Affiliate contact is attempted by Phone / Fax | Affiliate contact is attempted by Phone / Fax | Closure letter is dispatched |
Suspend access to MyIRINN |
Suspend access to MyIRINN No further services to be provided |
Affiliation will be closed permanently if no payment is received within the next 15 days |
All Affiliation rights are revoked Internet resources allocated are recovered by IRINN (Internal records are also updated) |
Affiliates can request new copy of Invoice | Affiliation and rights to use Internet resources may be terminated | Reactivation of account will call for clearing of all outstanding dues and a payment of reactivation fees on top of that. |
Account Reactivation
A Affiliate whose Affiliation has been terminated for non-payment of
outstanding dues may be returned the Affiliation, if the defaulting Affiliate
pays a "Affiliation reactivation fee" of Rs 1,00,000 plus applicable taxes , in addition to payment
of the outstanding dues.
This option is available for a limited period of three months after
Affiliation termination, after which time all previously allocated and
assigned resources are subject to reallocation